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Counselling for Parents

over telephone / voice call apps (Malayalam/English)
A man teaching a young child to skate

Parents can face a lot of issues with regard to responsible parenting: how do they enable their children to achieve success in academics; how to help them become well-adjusted members of society; or how to guide their children as they mature and reach different stages of their life. Parents may have doubts about the choices they have to make on behalf of their children. These doubts can be clarified with our counsellor. Guidance can be provided regarding life cycle growth of the child as well as from the point of view of developmental psychology.

Common issues we can help with include:

  • Children refusing to follow instructions
  • Not being sure how to communicate effectively with your child
  • Trouble implementing routines
  • Finding it hard to know what emotions your child is experiencing
  • Feeling like you are in a "power struggle" with your child
  • Strategies to manage behavior are not working
  • Marital problems
  • Children having problems in school – i.e. with peers, learning, etc.

Avail our offer of free first interaction to learn how our counsellor can help you as a parent. Get in touch with us today.