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About Us

Note from Nishi A.A. (Principal Counsellor at Words of Counsel)

In the course of life, each and every one of us passes through low points, during which we struggle on our own to face personal difficulties. Sure, we have friends and family to open our heart to. But their ability to help us is limited, even by the very fact of their intimacy. And some issues may be too intimate or intimidating to share even with them.

There is always a connection between mind and emotions. I believe that there is no such thing as mental health, only emotional health. A person who is emotionally healthy is in control of themselves. They feel good and happy about themselves and have good relationships with others. It does not mean that the person is always happy. People can get their ups and downs but can cope with the situation if they are emotionally healthy. Some may not be able to on their own; for them our counsellors extend their helping hands.

Words of Counsel is a safe space for you to explore the issues holding you back, to understand them, and to devise the remedy – a space to share and discuss your problems to find the solutions that will enable your pursuit of the life beautiful.

Every problem has a reason; and the solution can be discovered through discussion, expression and exploration. The self-knowledge we gain in this process of resolution is often the foundation of personal growth. Our counsellors guide and support you in this process: encourage and empower you to be yourself; offer you motivation; develop your skills; and enhance your ability to cope with your current and future challenges.

We hope to bring the smile back to your face and heart.